Just a note here: A Jehovah's witness brought to my attention that the word in the NEW TESTAMENT that is translated "cross" , the cross that Jesus was crucified on, i actually, in the greek, "staurus", and that that word is related to the english words "stake" and related. This was a real eye-opener to me at the time. Subsequently, when I was reading the passage where Jesus was saying "take up your cross and follow me", I wondered if He was also meaning, "take up your tent stakes and move with me", as in the old testament similar passage.
The OLD TESTAMENT situation I'm refering to is: during the 40 years that the jews were in the wilderness after God got them out of Egypt, God led them geographically by means of the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day. When these supernatural provisions from God moved, the Israelis were to take this as sign that they were to break camp, pack up, "pull up stakes" and MOVE with the cloud and the pillar of fire.
When I think of the above, the pictures in my mind are: 1)the physical therapist helping the person recovering from injury by moving their limb through its extent of travel loosening up the joint and gradually increasing its ease of movement. The recovering person does best, I think, to relax and let the therapist do the moving of the limb. Part of the procedure is getting the patient to the place where he or she WILL relax and let the therapist move the limb. (Actually, I don't know this to be true. I'm just guessing. I will ask my therapist friend.); and 2)the player in a video game, as portrayed by the on-screen "Mario" or whomever, who moves about a bit without moving his feet, seemingly to keep himself in an attitude of preparedness which includes a flexible attentive open-ness to a multitude of possible attacks, problems and opportunities.
Entrenchment in the attitudes that we have grown up with or grown accustomed to, our beliefs religious and otherwise, are much more powerful than we realize because these beliefs have always been with us. Jesus was asking-if I'm right about this- that His hearers, especially the jews, be flexible/ see the truths/principles that God had revealed to the people without bias.