Monday, July 16, 2012


over at, i thought i would see if others were interested in contributing thoughts in a central location ( a "group" called "the WE Book of Christianity") about whether the Church is designed by God to work together to such an extent that Christians are not totally effective or successful in our Christian walk if we are not meaningfully connected to a local body of believers.

one topic that goes with that group of ideas coincides with something i came across recently.  a person in my circle of associates is named Chloe.  i like to find out the meaning of names, so i looked up Chloe in the name book.  it means full of leafy life.  i also remembered reading the name in the new testament, so i looked it up there, too.  Chloe in the new testament times had agreed to have a local church group meet at her house.  she may have also had a leadership role.

what was important to me at this time im my life was that they were having trouble with some members of the congregation either sinning or stirring up strife.  so some in the congregation did what had to be done- they reported the trouble to the leaders farther up the heirarchy.  That would be Paul.

i find that a very important principle- especially so since it is so hard for me personally to bring up unpleasant topics.  i am glad to see such a principle noted and encouraged in Paul's writings.